Thank you for taking an important step along your health journey by inquiring about our services. We are a client-centered, office-based, holistic clinical practice. Private, personalized integrative health and wellness consultations with Dr. Rosenbaum, a trusted Holistic Clinical Pharmacist & Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, are available at 8799 Columbia Road, Suite A, Loveland, OH 45140. Virtual telehealth consultations are available on Zoom for out-of-town clients & for in-town clients with access restrictions.
During a typical wellness consultation Dr. Rosenbaum may evaluate your laboratory test results, prescription/OTC medications, whole food nutrition regimen, herbs/spice intake, use of vitamins/other dietary supplements, your environment, and lifestyle choices. Based on answers you give during the health interview process, she will prepare a report of written recommendations that help you better address your body, mind, emotional, and spiritual (whole person) health goals.
By incorporating Functional Medicine principles into the client evaluation, she becomes your teammate and cheerleader to together determine the root cause of your health condition(s), including offering a second opinion on any safety concerns related to the long-term use of prescription medications.
Dr. Rosenbaum offers to pray with her clients at the end of each consultation session, or privately on behalf of her clients if they prefer, at a later date. To request an integrative health and wellness consultation, please contact [email protected].