
Thank you for taking an important step along your health journey by inquiring about our services.  We are a client-centered, office-based, holistic clinical practice. Private, personalized integrative health and wellness consultations with Dr. Rosenbaum, a trusted Holistic Clinical Pharmacist & Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, are available at 8799 Columbia Road, Suite A, Loveland, OH 45140. Virtual telehealth consultations are available on Zoom for out-of-town clients & for in-town clients with access restrictions.

During a typical wellness consultation Dr. Rosenbaum may evaluate your laboratory test results, prescription/OTC medications, whole food nutrition regimen, herbs/spice intake, use of vitamins/other dietary supplements, your environment, and lifestyle choices.  Based on answers you give during the health interview process, she will prepare a report of written recommendations that help you better address your body, mind, emotional, and spiritual (whole person) health goals.

By incorporating Functional Medicine principles into the client evaluation, she becomes your teammate and cheerleader to together determine the root cause of your health condition(s), including offering a second opinion on any safety concerns related to the long-term use of prescription medications.

Dr. Rosenbaum offers to pray with her clients at the end of each consultation session, or privately on behalf of her clients if they prefer, at a later date.  To request an integrative health and wellness consultation, please contact [email protected].

Consultation Details

Please choose from one of two health consultation models or a health coaching session below:

  • Abbreviated Model: The 1-hour interview covers an evaluation of Rx/OTC medications, dietary supplements, whole food nutrition, and laboratory test results.  Senior citizens over 65 years of age and/or veterans receive a 10% discount.
  • Extensive Model (Recommended): The comprehensive 1.5-hour interview covers an evaluation of Rx/OTC medications, dietary supplements, whole food nutrition, laboratory test results, sleep, exercise, and your environment, and emotional, social, and spiritual health goals. Senior citizens over 65 years of age and/or veterans receive a 10% discount.

You may consult with Dr. Rosenbaum one time or continue with her in an ongoing follow up basis, as you choose. A reduced professional fee applies to each REPEAT 1-hour follow up office visit regardless of which of the two above consultation models is originally chosen.  One follow-up appointment is recommended for you to update her on any progress made toward your health goals.

If you are taking any herbs, vitamins, or other dietary supplements, it is important for you to bring the actual products to your face-to-face interview so Dr. Rosenbaum can comment on product-related quality issues by examining the bottle brands and their contents.  She will also look for therapeutic duplications, interactions, and long-term side effects.

DISCLAIMER: Regarding dietary supplement claims, “statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”  Information and statements made by Dr. Rosenbaum on this site or at any time during your consultations are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional.

After each consulting session, a written report summarizing Dr. Rosenbaum’s health recommendations will be mailed to you. You are invited to keep this report for future reference to discuss with your primary care physician for her/his input/feedback.  The written report is included with the interview in her professional fee.

Please note that Dr. Rosenbaum regularly researches published, well-designed human clinical studies to ensure any of her recommendations made are based on primary literature, not marketing hype. By law, your primary care physician is in the best position to make final decisions on any changes regarding your prescription medications. 

Health Coaching Session: This 1-hour session (repeated biweekly x 6 weeks) covers stress management, smoking cessation, weight loss, or fitness goals and is different from the two consultations detailed above.  Dr. Rosenbaum is a Certified Health Coach, in addition to Certified Dementia Practitioner and Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach.  

Dr. Rosenbaum may refer you to other high-quality, evidence-based, non-traditional health and wellness practitioners (e.g., Yoga, Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Guided Imagery/Meditation, Aromatherapy, Music Therapy, Counselors) or a Functional Medicine/Traditional Medicine physician, for further follow up as appropriate. 

Fees are payable in full by check or cash at the time of the service. We do not accept major credit cards. Services are not covered by insurance. However, fees may be submitted via invoice to your flexible spending account requesting insurance reimbursement.

For more information or to answer your questions, please email [email protected], call (513) 607-3495, or write to P. O. Box 351, Loveland, OH 45140.


Tai Chi Easy™ is a teaching method created by Roger Jahnke OMD that anyone can learn. You will learn five movement forms by the end of six weeks, enjoy the calming, emotional and health benefits in a safe environment, and have fun with others who desire improved health and balance. Tai Chi Easy™ has four components: Mindful Movements, Breathing Practices, Self-Applied Massage, & Meditation. This modality can be practiced while standing, sitting, or in movement so that seniors will be comfortable joining in.

Classes are taught by Dr. Cathy Rosenbaum, Tai Chi Easy Practice Leader, in ongoing sessions at Miami Township Civic Center, 6101 Meijer Drive, Milford, OH 45150.  For more information on class dates/times, please contact drcathy@rxintegrativesolutions.